Post by Geir-Tore LindsvePost by Clas MehusOn Tue, 3 Jan 2006 11:16:22 +0100, Geir-Tore Lindsve
Post by Geir-Tore LindsveHei,
Jeg skal koble til en telefonledning til en liten telefonplugg
(6-pins? ...smalere enn ordinær RJ45). Hvor i denne pluggen skal
ledningene festes? Midten?
Eller mener du at du har en telefon med RJ-45 og du vil i stedet
benytt en RJ-11-kontakt?
Jepp...det var nok det jeg mente ja ;)
Da har jeg lært noe i dag også, RJ-11 heter den.
Det fungerte ypperlig ved å bruke de midterste og nå er summetonen på
plass, så takk skal dere ha.
For å gjøre forvirringa komplett, så kan man sitere fra
Naming confusion
There is much confusion over these connection standards. The
six-position plug and jack commonly used for telephone line connections
may be called an RJ-11, RJ-14 or even RJ-12 (RJ-25), all of which
properly define interfaces that use the same physical connector. The
four-position RJ-11 standard dictates a 2-wire connection, while RJ-14
spells out a 4-wire configuration, and RJ-12 or RJ-25 uses all six
wires. These six-position plugs are often called modular connectors to
distinguish them from older telephone connectors, which were very bulky
or wired directly to the wall and therefore not very modular.
roy :)